Welcome to the 2025 local election for Bellefonte Area School District Board of Education Director. We will soon post the process to be a W4B candidate. For this election cycle, four candidate positions will be part of the election process during the spring primary, and then the general election in November. The people of our communities realize the importance of providing a focused education for every student. Parents and members of the community are partners as well and need to be heard, not ignored, with a Board of Education that respects any ideas or concerns presented to them. WIN4BELLFONTE is a bipartisan community organization supporting candidates that will encourage excellence, pride and tradition for the Bellefonte Area School District. |
We are committed to:
The 2021 and 2023 W4B candidates are W4B alumni. They are currently active on our Board of Education with a students first, student focused agenda for you, our students, staff, and our entire Bellefonte community.
Attention future candidates considering a run in the 2025 election cycle. Information will be posted here soon for being a Win4Bellefonte candidate. |
Paypal.me Please donate. Your support is needed to elect future candidates! Your donation will support future candidates of our bipartisan committee achieve our mission to encourage, embrace and ensure excellence, pride and tradition for all Bellefonte students, staff and community. |
Email: win4bellefonte.kevey@gmail.com | ||||||||
Paid for by
WIN4BELLEFONTE Committee, K. Evey, Chairperson C. Helwig, Treasurer